D.C., N.D., F.C.A.H.
Education: | |
1980-82 | National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland, Oregon. Graduated in June 1982 with the degree of Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (N.D.). |
1976-80 | Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto, Ontario. Graduated in June 1980 with the degree of Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.). |
1971-74 | CEGEP de St-Laurent, Montreal, Quebec. Graduated in February 1974 with a college degree in Health Sciences (DEC). |
Certification and Recognition | |
2013 | Honorary Member of the American Institute of Homeopathy |
2000 | Honorary Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Homeopathy (F.C.A.H.). |
1988 | Diplomate of the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians (D.H.A.N.P.) (U.S.A.). |
Experience | |
1995 | present Private practice in Montreal, Canada |
1995 | present President of the Quebec Association of Naturopathic Physicians |
2016 | Essentials of Therapeutic Fasting. A three two-hour webinar series. April, May, June 2016. http://www.homeopathy.ca/livecourses_det06.shtml |
2014 – 2015 | Lecturer on the Philosophy of Naturopathic Medicine and History of Medicine, and Essentials of Therapeutic Fasting at the École d’enseignement supérieur de naturopathie du Québec, Montreal, Canada |
2013 – 2014 | Invited professor at the Fundacion Universitaria Escuela Colombiana Medicina Homeopatica Luiz G. Paez in Bogota, Colombia |
2011 | present Instructor in Case Analysis and Case Management for the Canadian Academy of Homeopathy and the Illinois Homoeopathic Medical Association, Montreal, Canada |
2009 | present Instructor for the International Hahnemannian Study Group, Montreal, Canada |
2008 – 2009 | Instructor for the Hahnemannian Prescribing course, Canadian Academy of Homeopathy, Toronto, Canada |
2008 | Invited professor of Complementary Medicine at St. George’s University School of Medicine, Grenada, West Indies |
2006 – 2015 | Instructor in Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura for the Canadian Academy of Homeopathy and the Illinois Homoeopathic Medical Association, Montreal, Canada |
2006 | present Instructor in Essentials of Acute and Chronic Prescribing for the Canadian Academy of Homeopathy and the Illinois Homoeopathic Medical Association, Montreal, Canada |
2005 | present Instructor in Illustrated Comparative Materia Medica Pura for the Gesellschaft Homöopathischer Aerzte in Schleswig-Holstein, Nierdorf, Germany |
2005 | The Importance of Hahnemann’s Legacy for the World. Keynote address at the occasion of Hahnemann’s 250th anniversary in Meissen, Germany on April 10, 2005. |
1987 | present Dean and instructor in homeopathy at the postgraduate program of the Canadian Academy of Homeopathy |
1993-98 | Instructor in hydrotherapy, philosophy of naturopathic medicine and homeopathy, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, Scottsdale, Arizona |
1987 – 2004 | Instructor in homeopathic materia medica and philosophy and chronic prescribing for the National Center for Homeopathy Professional Summer Course, Washington, D.C. |
1981 | present Instructor of many postgraduate courses and seminars in manipulative therapy, hydrotherapy and homeopathy, and guest speaker at many conferences throughout Canada, U.S.A, Latin America and Europe |
1988 – 1997 | Instructor in homeopathy at the Groupe Hahnemannien de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec |
1988 – 1995 | Private practice at the Clinique médicale Saine, Montreal, Quebec |
1986 – 1995 | Private practice and supervising clinician at the Toronto Homeopathic Centre, the teaching clinic of the Canadian Academy of Homeopathy, Toronto, Ontario |
1987 – 1994 | Secretary of the Council on Homeopathic Education, Washington, D.C. |
1987 – 1993 | Lecturer on Introduction to homeopathy, University of Toronto Medical School |
1986 | Instructor in homeopathy for the postgraduate program, Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Toronto, Ontario |
1984 – 1985 | Clinical assistant professor of naturopathic medical philosophy, hydrotherapy, manipulative therapy and introduction to research at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland, Oregon |
1982 – 1985 | Private practice and supervising clinician at the Portland Naturopathic Clinic, the teaching clinic of the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland, Oregon |
1982 – 1985 | Instructor in hydrotherapy at the John Bastyr College of Naturopathic Medicine, Seattle, Washington |
1985 | Instructor in hydrotherapy for the postgraduate program at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Toronto, Ontario |
1981 – 1984 | Instructor in naturopathic philosophy, hydrotherapy, manipulative therapy and introduction to research at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland, Oregon |
1980 – 1981 | Private practice during the summer months at the Clinique médicale Saine, a clinic specializing in the care of patients with chronic degenerative diseases, Montreal, Quebec |
Main publications and presentations: | |
2016 | The American School of Homeopathy and the International Hahnemannian Association: The High Point of Homeopathy. Part III Pneumonia and Hahnemannian Homeopathy. Liga News 2016; No. 16 (Feb.): in publication. |
2015 | The American School of Homeopathy and the International Hahnemannian Association: The High Point of Homeopathy. Part II. Liga News 2015; No. 16 (Dec.): 14-19. |
2015 | The American School of Homeopathy and the International Hahnemannian Association: The High Point of Homeopathy. Part I. Liga News 2015; No. 15 (Aug.): 14-17 |
2015 | Summary of the response to Dr. Steven Novella’s post-debate question, What do you consider to be the best clinical evidence supporting the efficacy of homeopathy for any indication? http://homeopathy.ca/pdf/Saine Novella_2013DebateSummary.pdf |
2015 | An Important Advance in the Homeopathic Treatment of Patients with Serious, Progressive Pathologies —A Practical Response to the Debate on LM Potencies. Joint American Homeopathic Conference, Philadelphia, May 2015. |
2015 | Asafoetida: An excerpt from the Materia Medica Pura Project (co-authored with Timothy Fior, MD). American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 2015; 108 (2): 65-72. |
2014 | Some Interesting Anecdotes about Case Taking and Case Analysis. Liga News 2014; No. 13 (November): 6-7. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det41.shtml |
2014 | The Materia Medica Pura Project: A Systematic Updating of Our Materia Medica and Repertories. Congress of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis—Paris—July 2014. About the Materia Medica Pura Project http://www.homeopathy.ca/MMPP_ActiveHomeopathyMateriaMedicaPuraPoject.php |
2014 | An Address by Samuel Hahnemann, Delivered before the Paris meeting of the Gallican Homoeopathic Society held on September 15, 1835. Liga News 2014; No. 12 (June): 17. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det38.shtml |
2014 | An Open Letter to the Members and Trustees of the American Institute of Homeopathy. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det29.shtml |
2014 | A Letter from Hahnemann. Liga News 2014; No. 11 (April): 4-5. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det31.shtml |
2014 | Foreword to Edouard Broussalian’s Homeopathy: Principles of the New Medicine. Adaptation and Comments on the 6th Organon. Volume 1. Geneva, Switzerland, 2014. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det34.shtml |
2013-2015 | Post-debate questions and answers on homeopathy with Dr. Steven Novella, Associate Professor of Neurology, Yale University.May 2013: Part I of the answer to Dr. Novella’s first question, “What do you consider to be the best clinical evidence supporting the efficacy of homeopathy for any indication?” http://www.homeopathy.ca/debates_2013-03-22Q1ns.shtml July 2013: Part II: http://www.homeopathy.ca/debates_2013-03-22Q1-2ns.shtml February 2014: Part III: http://www.homeopathy.ca/debates_2013-03-22Q1-3ns.shtml March 2015: Part IV: http://www.homeopathy.ca/debates_2013-03-22Q14ns.shtml |
2013 | Homeopathy: Great Medicine or Dangerous Pseudoscience? Debate with Dr. Steven Novella, Associate Professor of Neurology, Yale University, held at the University of Connecticut Medical Center on March 22, 2013. http://mediasite.uchc.edu/mediasite41/Play/f45177db9279460797ffe70714a3f5611d |
2013 | Post-Debate Questions and Answers on homeopathy with Joe Schwarcz PhD, Director of McGill University’s Office for Science and Society, and the public. http://www.homeopathy.ca/debates.shtml |
2012 | Homeopathy: Mere Placebo or Great Medicine? Debate with Joe Schwarcz PhD, Director of McGill University’s Office for Science and Society, McGill University November 27, 2012. http://www.homeopathy.ca/debates.shtml |
2012 | Should naturopathic medicine be regulated as a primary care service in Quebec and should naturopathic doctors have full scope of practice? Debate with Joe Schwarcz PhD, Director of McGill University’s Office for Science and Society, McGill University, May 8, 2012 http://bcooltv.mcgill.ca/Viewer1/?rid=9080d73a-1d54-470193b607e33a03f3d9 |
2011 | The Heart and Soul of Medicine. Certainty Versus Conjecture in Medicine. Annual Meeting of the Ontario Naturopathic Association, Toronto, November 20, 2011. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det26.shtml |
2009 | If It’s Worth Doing, It’s Worth Doing Well, Keys for Becoming a Successful Physician. Naturopathic Gathering, National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland, Oregon, November 7, 2009. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det22.shtml |
2008 | A Debate: Homeopathy—Quackery or a Key to the Future of Medicine? Steven Novella, M.D., Rustum Roy, Ph.D., Donald Marcus, M.D., Iris R. Bell, M.D., Ph.D., Nadav Davidovitch, M.D., M.P.H., Ph.D., and André Saine, N.D. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2008; 14 (1): 9-15. |
2008 | The Rational Basis of “Nature Cure.” Naturopathic Gathering, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, Tempe, Arizona, November 15, 2008. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det25.shtml |
2007 | A Debate: Homeopathy—Quackery or a Key to the Future of Medicine? An international forum to explore the facts around this controversial modality in an attempt to determine whether it has any place in medical care. Donald Marcus M.D., (Baylor), Iris Bell M.D., Ph.D., (University of Arizona), Steven Novella M.D., (Yale), Rustum Roy Ph.D., (Penn State), Nadav Davidovitch M.D., Ph.D., (Columbia & Ben Gurion), Andre Saine N.D. (Canadian Academy for Homeopathy). University of Connecticut Health Center, October 25, 2007. http://mediasite.uchc.edu/mediasite41/Play/407916ea6301-4ede-b04f-c3650e4073a7 |
2006 | Foreword to the German edition of Homoeopathy in Medicine and Surgery by Edmund Carleton, 1913. (Vorwort. Homöopathie in Praxis und Klinik von Dr. Edmund Carleton. Leer: Grundlagen und Praxis GbmH & Co., 2007.) http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det36.shtml |
2005 | The Importance of Hahnemann’s Legacy for the World. Samuel Hahnemann’s 250th Anniversary Celebration Keynote Address. Meissen, Germany—April 10, 2005. |
2004 | Interview mit André Saine. R. und K. Vigoureux. Zeitschrift für Klassische Homöopathie 2004; 48: 117-127. (A two-part interview in English: Is it not Part of the Deal in Promoting a Method of Practice to also Demonstrate its Efficacy? http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det27.shtml and Homeopathy is a Natural Science in its Purest Sense http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det17.shtml |
2004 | Wie man bei schweren Fällen verschreibt: Mittelfindung bei Patienten mit Schweren Erkrankungen. (Teil 2) Homöopathie Zeitschrift 2004 (I): 22-32. |
2004 | La ley del Hering: ley, regla o dogma? Homeopatia Mex 2004; 73 (628): 1118. |
2003 | Foreword to the Handbuch homöopathischer Charakteristika. Eine Arzneimittellhre für die Praxis. Stuggart: Karl F. Haug Verlag, 2003 (German edition of the Text Book of Materia Medica by Adolph Lippe, 1866). http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det37.shtml |
2003 | Homöopathie am Mont Royal. Ein Besuch bei Dr. André Saine. Von Karin und Ralf Vigoureux. Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung 2003; 248: 189 192. |
2003 | Antwort André Saine. Homöopathie Zeitschrift 2003 (II): 11-15. |
2003 | Wie man bei schweren Fällen verschreibt: Mittelfindung bei Patienten mit Schweren Erkrankungen. Homöopathie Zeitschriftt 2003 (I): 17-32. |
2003 | Homöopathie oder nicht Homöopathie—wo siehen wir die Trennlinie?
Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung 2003; 248 (2): 57-72 |
2002 | Drawing the Line in the Sand: Homeopathy or not? American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine 2002; 95 (3): 69-88. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det08.shtml |
2002 | Homeopathy Has Nothing to Do with Eclecticism. Simillimum 2002; 15 (2): 21-23. http://www.grundlagen-praxis.de/diskussion/englisch/eclectic.pdf |
2001 | Bioccular transcerebral iontophoresis. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det30.shtml |
2001 | Um eine Displin zu beherrschen, müssen wir von ihren Wurzeln augehen. Hamburg: Grundlagen und Praxis GmbH & Co, 2001. |
2001 | Reine Homöopathie Unser Erbe von grossen alten Meistern (Pure Homeopathy: Our Legacy from the Great Master of the past). Annual Address before the Deutscher Zentralverein homöopathischer Arzte, Hamburg, Germany, May 24, 2001. Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung 2001; 245: 1-10. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det06.shtml |
2001 | Aloe Socrotina. A Most Valuable Remedy in need of rediscovery. Simillimum 2001; 14 (Summer): 18-47 and 2001; 14 (Winter): 81-106. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det14.shtml |
2001 | Homeopathy versus Speculative Medicine. A Call to Action. Simillimum 2001 (Fall); 14: 34-53. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det07.shtml |
2001 | Homeopathy without Hahnemann. Homeopathy Today 2001; 21 (6): 18. http://www.grundlagen-praxis.de/diskussion/englisch/without.pdf |
2000 | The Causes of Failure in Homeopathy. Simillimum 2000; 13 (4) (Winter): 1221.http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det02.shtml |
1997 | Prescribing for Cases with Serious Pathology. Simillimum 1997; 10 (1) (Spring): 3-24. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det32.shtml |
1995 | How to Become a Homeopath. Homoeopathica, Journal of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis 1995 (Winter): 45-52. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det05.shtml |
1994 | “To Master a Discipline, We Have to Start at its Roots.” Homoeopathica, Journal of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis 1994 (Autumn): 11-19. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det04.shtml |
1993 | Akut manische Anfälle eines überempfindlichen Patienten. Homöopathie in Österreich 1993; 4: 147-159 |
1993 | Die Homöopathische Behandlung des MS-Patienten. Naturheilpraxis 1993; 46 (2):123-34. |
1992 | Foreword to Trevor K. Salloum’s Fasting Signs and Symptoms: A Clinical Guide. East Palestine Ohio: Buckeye Naturopathic Press. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det35.shtml |
1992 | Foreword to Thomas Kruzel’s The Homeopathic Emergency Guide. A Quick Reference Hnadbook to Effective Homeopathic Care. Berkeley, CA: North American Books. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det33.shtml |
1991 | The Story of Kent’s Repertory. The Homœopath 1991; 10 (3): 81-86. |
1991 | Classical Homeopathy and the Canadian Academy of Homeopathy: Setting the Record Straight. Simillimum 1991; 4: 5-19. |
1989 | Lectures in Naturopathic Hydrotherapy. Co-authored with Wade Boyle, N.D. East Palestine, Ohio: Buckeye Naturopathic Press. |
1988 | Hering’s Law: Law, Rule or Dogma? Presented at the Second Session of the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians, Seattle, Washington. Simillimum 1993; 6 (Winter): 34-50. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det12.shtml |
1987 | The Homeopathic Treatment of the Multiple Sclerosis Patient. Transactions of the First Session of the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians, Portland, Oregon http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det13.shtml |
1986 | Our Noble and Beloved Carroll Dunham http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det10.shtml |
1982 | The Placebo Effect and its Implications for Homeopathy. Thesis. (Winner of the Hahnemann Scholarship) National College of Naturopathic Medicine, Portland, Oregon. |
1982 | The Essential Role of Homeopathy in Wholistic Practice: Five Case Reports. NCNM Review 1982; 3 (2): 9-20. http://www.homeopathy.ca/articles_det28.shtml |
1979 | Homeopathy: How Valid is it? Healing Crisis, Journal of the Ontario Naturopathic Association 1979; 2: 10-13. |
Publications and projects in working progress: |
The Weight of Evidence: The Extraordinary Success of Homeopathy in Epidemics. (2,500 pages have so far been written and over 10,000 references have so far been found and entered into our database. They will now need to be read and integrated.) Lessons in Pure Homeopathy: From The Writings of Hahnemann’s Best Students and Medicine’s Most Successful Practitioner, Adolph Lippe. M.D. (The last draft of 600 out of 1,600 pages have so far been completed.) The Materia Medica Pura Project: With the assistance of over fifty colleagues from America and Europe, we are currently reviewing the homeopathic literature for provings, cured cases and clinical experience, and cases of intoxication reported in other literatures of the last 200 years for updating our materia medica and repertories. |
Contact E-mail: asaine@homeopathy.ca |