St. Nicholas Church

A short architectural history
The Saint Nicholas city- and parish church was founded in about 1165. The church was situated at the intersection of two important north-south, east-west trade roads. It was dedicated to Nicholas, the medieval patron saint of merchants and wholesalers. Even today it is still situated amongst office buildings in the city centre with its doors open to visitors from all over the world.
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The famous St. Nicholas peace prayers
In the early eighties, the “peace decades” began, held each November. Young people came together for prayers over the course of ten days, while there were huge demonstrations in the Federal Republic of Germany against the armament race. Meetings and discussions concerning this burning issue were not possible publicly but only within churches. A young congregation in the eastern part of Leipzig decided to continue these peace prayers week after week, which eventually resulted in regular Monday evening prayers. So, it was here that the peaceful revolution of 1989, which lead to the fall of the Wall. was initiated.
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The events in fall 1989
“Nikolaikirche – open to all” became reality in autumn 1989 – much to the surprise for many. After all, it united people from the whole of the former GDR: those who wanted to leave the country and those who were curious, regime critics and Stasi (State Security Police) personnel, church staff and SED members, Christians and Non-Christians beneath the outspread arms of the crucified and resurrected Jesus Christ. In view of the political reality between 1949 and 1989, this defies all imagination. It became reality. Exactly 450 years after the introduction of the Reformation in Leipzig, 176 years after the Battle of Nations in Leipzig. Now it was Leipzig once more.
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Enjoy a panoramic interior view of St. Nicholas Chrch


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