Several hypotheses concerning causes of autism have been put forward, which include among others, the possible structural or biochemical changes in certain brain areas, genetic disorders and enzyme deficiencies, responsible for the retention of heavy metals and asymptomatic food intolerances. In the same manner the conclused therapeutic strategies are likewise diverse.
We believe that the Chronic Disease Theory of Hahnemann, together with the updates made by Carillo, provide the elements for the understanding of the pathophysiology of this disturbance. This understanding brought up the possibility to give rise to a protocol, that has been applied by the ABRAH under the supervision and coordination of Prof. Carillo himself.
More specifically, the protocol has been developed at the Hospital of the Municipal Servers of São Paulo partnered with the Federal Fluminense University since 2008 and the homeopathic and pediatric care-unit in the: “Children Psychosocial Care Center” (CAPSi) of Taboão da Serra, which encounters children and adolescents, aging from 2 to 19 years, with severe and persistent psychical disorders, mainly diagnosed as autism.
The CAPSi attends 195 patients of which 150 have the diagnosis of autism with various levels of instances from the classic (non-verbal, echolalia, verbal high-functioning) up to the atypical. Of these, 60 patients received exclusive homeopathic treatment and 90 patients in combination with psychiatric medications.
In this study, we present some of the results applying this approach.
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