The buccal cavity (cavum oris) mirrors the healthiness of a person. For integral comprehension in the sense of personality, physical and mental style this aria is a guide, in a figurative sense a “central organ”, regarding the selfhood of our patients.
Chronic diseases in a homeopathic sense are responsible for clinical structures as gums, peridontium, surface of the tongue, quality of tooth, mixture of saliva etc. – and gives us a link to miasmatic relationships. Every change within this cavity will create a holistic effect, which will be shown in physical and mental health.
The inspection of the buccal cavity whith sparse equipment presents an incredible view regarding chronic diseases, which the patient may be incorporating. Even, if you are not a dentist, this information is easy to ascertain and very significant for your treatment.
In this presentation the classical miasms by Samuel Hahnemann (Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis) will be discussed, including a short outlook on the tuberculosis and carcinogenic miasm.
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