In the course of the almost 100 years of history of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis (LMHI), it is the 9th time that the German Association of Homeopathic Physicians (Deutsche Zentralverein homöopathischer Ärzte, DZVhÄ) has the honour to host the annual LMHI Congress.
According to its statutes the LMHI aims at creating a link among licensed homeopaths with medical, veterinary, dental or pharmaceutical diplomas and societies and persons interested in homeopathy so that as many people as possible can benefit from this wonderful science. It is precisely for this reason that renowned homeopathic physicians from all over the world will travel to Leipzig in June, namely to share their knowledge and to learn from each other.
The motto of our congress is meant to take-up this motivation and to carry it forward. For us, „Networking in Medical Care“ does not only mean bringing homeopathic experts together but also to establish and cultivate an open dialogue with other medical therapies.
It is our firm conviction that an integrated and open-minded approach towards the potentials of different methods in the patient’s treatment concept and the well-considered choosing of this treatment concept will achieve the best results for the wellbeing and recovery of the patient. Here, too, we want to learn from each other. We have therefore created special dialogue forums – a perfect setting for this interdisciplinary exchange. We hope for lively discussions and many new impetuses for our daily work in the practice and clinic.
We have invited our associate organisations to present their therapies in an own lecture series. We are very much looking forward to this exchange, too!
The “open space” will be another exciting place for encounters where each participant has the possibility to raise a topic of personal interest.
WissHom, the Scientific Society for Homeopathy, has organised an excellent scientific congress programme which also gives room for an in-depth overview of current homeopathic research projects. We are very grateful for the work WissHom has accomplished.
Last but not least, the political panel debate will provide the opportunity to discuss the potentials of homeopathy in public health care. We want to take a look at Switzerland where homeopathy is part of regular primary health care as well as at India where homeopathic science is even a fundamental pillar of primary health care – could we perhaps learn from this? The Indian AYUSH Health Minister Shripad Yesso Naik is invited to give us an insight into this topic.
The congress will be a highlight in many respects! We will be very happy to see you become a part of it and look forward to welcoming you with open hearts in Leipzig!
Cornelia Bajic
DZVhÄ Chairwoman