Dr. Mira Dorcsi-Ulrich (Germany): Allergic diathesis in the medical practice of a homeopathic pediatrician

Which role does allergic diathesis play in the pediatric practice and how can it be treated homeopathically? The frequency of atopic eczema, obstructive bronchitis and food allergy within the first year of life, is increasing. The “atopic journey” starts with atopic eczema and ends with asthma bronchiale. Although 7 “eczema-genes” have been identified, the prognosis for the child is hard to predict.

Phenomenological homeopathy of the Vienna School according to Mathias Dorcsi. facilitates prediction of prognosis. The knowledge of the three diathesis (lymphatic, lithemic, destructive) is essential. In accordance with Samuel Hahnemann and his theory of miasms, Mathias Dorcsi found a correlation between the specific phenomena of a patient and his diathesis. The individual diathesis helps to predict the disposition for illness as well as the potential for regulation. After homeopathic history taking, the aim is to find the best fitting remedy. Clinical examples will be shown, which help to recognize the phenomena and the diathesis. The following remedies are important in the treatment of allergic diathesis: Calcium salts, the nosodes, snake venom and okoubaka.

30 years of experience in this pediatric practice leads to the hypothesis, that the course of an atopic eczema is improved by homeopathic treatment in combination with recommendations concerning nutrition.

Goal for the future Conduction of a prospective outcome study to examine the course of allergy in children treated homeopathically, with or without conventional therapy. Combined with recommendations for nutrition, the aim is to find the best possible therapy for each child.

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