Dr. med. Michaela Zorzi

Born in 1960 in Waidhofen/Ybbs / Austria

1978-84 Studies of medicine
1985 freelancer  –  clinical pharmacology/University of Vienna
1986/87 additional education  and final degree in public health medicine
1987-1991 clinical education and degree as a general practitioner
1991-1995 qualification in homeopathy with final degree
1993 freelancer homeopathy MedUni Wien/ department of gynecology & obstetrics
1994 opening of private doctor´s office
Since 1996 in charge of weekly homeopathic outpatient clinic/Dep. of Gynecology & Obstetrics/Hospital Wien-Hietzing
2000-2008 General Secretary of the VHG, an Austrian homeopathic patient´s organisation
2006-2008 Member of the Board of EFPHA (European federation of homeopathic patient´s associations)
Since 2000 lecturer in homeopathy for physicians and pharmacists within the ÖGHM (Austrian Society for Homeopathic Medicine)
Since 2004 regular lectures on homeopathy (students, physicians, pharmacists, patients) in Austria and abroad (EU, Japan)
Continual and intensive engagement with psychotherapy, philosophy and spirituality
…. and since 1986 inspired mother of two daughters and one son, who have taught me a lot about life and love


Documenta Homoeopathica, HIÖ (Homöopathie in Österreich), Interhomeopathy, several medical Journals, newspapers, radio and TV.
Besides my intense involvement in  teaching homeopathy I´m very interested in research and keep following the newest developments in homeopathy:
2007 Dr. Peithner Prize for clinical research in “homeopathy in obstetrics”
2013  Participation in research (triturations) of new plant remedies in Madagaskar with a group around Jan Scholten


Contact: michaela.zorzi@hom-med.at


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