Frans Vermeulen


lives in California with his wife, Linda Johnston
Born in Den Helder, Holland


1976 – 1983 he pursued his homeopathic education, while beginning his own practice in 1979

At this time he had begun to translate homeopathic books by masters such as Kent, Allen, Tyler, Vithoulkas, and many others. In 1985 he wrote Kindertypes in de Homoeopathie (Children types in Homoeopathy), based on his experiences as both a teacher and a homeopath.

Frans Vermeulen is recognized throughout the homeopathic world as an author, lecturer and authority on materia medica. Each of the many books he has authored makes a contribution of major significance to our understanding of substances and materia medica. His lectures are inspiring and appreciated for their liveliness, depth of knowledge and breadth of factual information. In 2016, Frans Vermeulen will have been 40 years involved in homeopathy. The first 20 years concerned homeopathic education and a busy practice. The second half focused on materia medica research and writing.


In 1992 he wrote Synoptic Materia Medica I, providing a materia medica overview as well as a quick and compact reference. This was followed in 1994 by the Concordant Materia Medica, which was enlarged in 1997 to include Hering’s Guiding Symptoms. Synoptic Materia Medica II broke new ground by focusing on small remedies and the correlations between the sources of the homeopathic remedies and how they relate to the drug pictures. Furthering that theme, Prisma Materia Medica (2002) takes data from non-homoeopathic sources as both reference material for the homoeopathic materia medica and as the source of potential symptoms. Frans’ two most recent books are Kingdom Monera and Viruses (2005) followed by Kingdom Fungi in 2007.

In 2011, he published the monumental work, PLANTS, co-authored by his wife, Dr. Linda Johnston. The set of 4 books discusses over 2000 plant remedies in 149 families following the latest APG classification system. Family themes are elucidated based on botanical classifications, phytochemicals, botany, traditional uses, folklore, history and many other sources, further supported by homeopathic information from provings, cases and other materia medica sources.  Frans’ other newer books include, Monera, Fungi, Concordant Reference 2nd ed., Synoptic Reference 1 2nd ed, Synoptic Reference 2, Prisma 2nd ed., and PassPort [identification and detailed description of substances used in homeopathy].







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