
Neben Vorträgen bietet der LMHI-Kongress 2017 die Möglichkeit, in Form von Postern wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgruppen und Forschungsarbeiten vorzustellen, diese mit anderen Kongressteilnehmerinnen und -teilnehmern zu diskutieren und Kontakte herzustellen. Die Poster sind während der gesamten Dauer des Kongresses ausgestellt, so dass für Interessierte ausreichend Zeit bleibt, die Präsentationen wahrzunehmen und mit den Autorinnen und Autoren in Austausch zu treten.

Die Rede- bzw. Besprechungszeiten werden von den Posterautoren eigenständig festgelegt und kommuniziert. Hierzu bitte die Zeiten an den Postern anbringen, damit Interessierte sich entsprechend orientieren können.

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Aufstellung der Poster mit entsprechender Nummerierung:

Nr.  Title Author
Cases and Case Management – Analysis
P01-1 Concept of ‚Perfect Defenses Analysis Method‘ in Homoeopathy: Usefulness in Genetic   disorders Rajappan Nair S.
P01-2 Understanding psychodynamics in homeopathy for chronic or intractable cases Itamura R.
P01-3 Large repertory additions – How much of them do we really need and use? Tapakis L., Lilas T., Garoufali A., Maglara A.
P01-5 Prescription strategies in homeopathy Maldonado P.
P01-6 Role of mind in the genesis and homoeopathic treatment of physical diseases Gupta G.
Cases and Case Management – Difficult Cases
P02-1 Think out of the box – Application of homeopathic remedias at intensive care patient (e.g. Usage of Acidum Arsenicosum C1.000.000) Ivanis J.
P02-2 Is scope of homoeopathy limited? Bhattaram A.
P02-3 Antibiotics and the homoeopathic substitutes Hande S.
P02-4 IGNACIO Doctrine – medicine homeopathic. Criteria for cure treatment – clinical case García de Vallerotto M.E.
P02-5 Children’s homeopathic treatment suffering from immunodeficient diseases of upper tract Maldonado P.
P02-6 The holistic medical care and deadly non communicable diseases Agarwala R.R.
P02-7 Beneficial homoeopathic drugs for liver diseases Agarwala R.R.
P02-8 20 years Clinica Santa Croce – successful cancer therapy with the Kent Künzli method.
Case reports
Malchow H.
Cases and Case Management – Networking / Collaboration
P03-1 Integrating homeopathy, mistletoe therapy adjuvant with radiotherapy & chemotherapy in palliative oncology Doctor R., Kulkarni A., Chowdhury A.
P03-2 Contributions of homoeopathy to modern oncology: discussion of clinical strategies with case studies for palliative care Pareek A.
P03-3 Networking with regional specialists Bichsel B.
P03-4 Outcome of homeopathic treatment under practicing Primaristic® Afanasieva M.
P03-5 Repertory rubrics – Hidden treasures revealed by Primaristic® for daily homoeopathic practice. Cases Sturza C.M.
Cases and Case Management – Psychiatric Cases
P04-1 The scope of homeopathy in autism Chaukkar S.
P04-2 Role of homeopathy in ADHD Chaukkar S.
P04-3 The scope of homeopathy in treatment of substance abuse disorders Chaukkar S.
P04-4 Case of capgrass syndrome + depressive psychosis + paranoid thoughts + adjustment disorder + dysthymia — cured with homeopathy!!! Chandak K.
P04-5 Homoeopathic psychiatry: A complete approach with explanation Gupta S.1, Gupta J.2
Cases and Case Management – Remedies
P05-1 From daily 12 to zero back pain killers with silver bullet homeopathic remedia Bamboo Ivanis J.
P05-2 Snake remedies – boon for coagulopathies!!! Chandak K.
P05-3 Use of Thlaspi bursa pastoris in patients with advanced prostate cancer Pannek-Rademacher S., Pannek J.
P05-4 The homeopathic remedy Carcinosinum in clinical practice Pannek-Rademacher S., Jus M.S., Cachin-Jus M., Amsler F., Pannek J.
P05-5 The psychological essence of the homeopathic acids out of the halogenes Meyer-König P.
P05-6 Research of homeopathic clinical pictures of willow-herb – Chamerion angustifolium Kosmodemjansky L., Popov D., Popova S., Fadiev A.
P05-7 Two clinical experiences with a new sarcode, potentised mitral valve, in LM potencies Wadhwani G.G.
Cases and Case Management – Severe Cases
P06-1 Role of homoeopathy towards the treatment of uterine leiomyomata Gupta S., Gupta R.
P06-2 Case of impaired liver function test due to intake of hormones for long time with DUB cured by homoeopathy Chhatre L.
P06-3 Cancer: Scope and limitations Stern L.
P06-4 Protocol amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and myasthenia gravis with homeopathic treatment at the Federal University of São Paulo – Brazil Brunelli W.
P06-5 Postsurgical hospital osteomyelitis treated with homeopathy acupuncture, and diet – a case report Huang W.L.
P07-1 Role of homeopathy in dentistry Chaukkar S.
P07-2 Dental practice scenario in a government homeopathic Hospital in West Bengal, India Ghosh T.N., Ghosh S., Panja S., Sharma P., Sarkar P., Saha S., Koley M.
P07-3 Inflamation of the Pulpa – toturous toothache. Regeneration and support to the vitality of Pulpa in order to avoid interferences Schule R.
P08-1 Pharmacy and homeopathy Elahi F., Acute Care Homeopathic SG
P08-2 The use of radionics an radiesthesia in the production of homeopathic remedies in West Africa – Ghana Kyeremateng M.
Basic Research
P09-1 Examination of immunological effects of homeopathic Escherichia coli extract (E.coli extractum 4X-8X) on bladder epithelial cells Sonntag D.
P09-2 Biological and physico-chemical characterization of ultra high diluted Hydrastis canadensis and in vitro studies on mammalian cells Chandrakar N., Temgire M.K., Kane S.G., Suresh A.K., Bellare J.
P09-3 Ultramolecolar diluted homeopathic medicinal products alter human erythrocyte osmotic resistance Musco C, Rocco V.
P09-4 Specific receptor sensitivies justify homeopathic individualization and pathogenetic symptoms Signorini A., Marino F.
P10-1 The Spanish flu was due to virus or vaccination? History and management (homeopathic vs allopathic) of the 1918 pandemic Marino F.V., Negro F.E.
Research in Homeopathy
P11-1 Prospective evaluation of few homeopathic rubrics of Kent’s repertory from Bayesian perspective Goenka R., Koley M., Saha S., Deb Das K., Roy S., Roy Chowdhury P., Hait H., Bhattacharyya C.K., Sadhukhan S.K.
Research in Pharmacology
P12-1 Batch to batch consistency of aspergillus niger preparation used as homeopathic starting material Wiethoff K., Bader G.
P12-2 Facts about 400 cases of reported side effects (including deaths) due to Homeopathic Teething Tablets Buchheim S.
Research – Study
P13-1 Recurrent pyogenic dermatological infections – Role of Homoeopathy: delivered through network clinics – An observational study Mohan B.S., Krishna Rao D., Srinivas I., Srinivasa Babu V.
P13-2 Homeopathic treatment of herpes-virus (CyHV-1) infections in Koi carps with Penicillium glabrum e-volumine-cellulae X4 and Grifola frondosa e-volumine-cellulae X4 Jörns L., Wiethoff K.
P13-3 Retrospective case series study on homeopathic treatment of Alopecia Areata done at Dr. Batra’s trichology department Yasmeen G.H.S.
P13-4 Evaluation of role of individualised homoeopathy in mild, moderate cases of copd based on 6 minute walk test: open prospective study Kasana V.
P13-5 Pediatric upper respiratory tract infections with fever: Results of a pragmatic, randomized, controlled clinical trial with a homeopathic combination medication van Haselen R., Thinesse-Mallwitz M., Maidannyk V., Buskin S.L., Weber S., Keller T., Burkart J., Klement P.
P13-6 The role of homoeopathy in the management stress induced Psoriasis – an experimental uncontrolled clinical trial at Dr. Batra’s Dermatology Department Dr Bindu S.
P13-7 The effetcs of (constitutional) homoeopathic treatment in diagnosed cases of prediabetes at a primary health centre: an observational study Wadhwani G.G.
P13-8 Research in Integrative Pediatrics at a University Children’s Hospital  in  Munich, Germany Kruse S., Tremel N., Dorcsi-Ulrich M., Rosenecker J.
P13-9 Comparison of Aluminium toxicology and homeopathic Alumina. A mixed methods study Wittenburg C.
Research – Theory
P14-1 Diabetes mellitus (DM) and homoeopathy needs changes in fundamental research angle Patel R., Patel D.R
P15-1 Teaching in thematic approach to selection of homoeopathic remedies in chronic cases Sahani A.
P15-2 Need for faculty development in homoeopathic medical education Sahani M.K.
P15-3 Regulation and homoeopathic medical education Singh R.
P15-4 Homoeopthic education – a universal challange Gupta J., Gupta S.
P16-1 Ayurveda in homoeopathy Patel R.
P16-2 Secrets of evolution of homoeopathy Patel R.
P16-3 Establishing homoeopathy through ayurvedic and unani medical disciplines Gupta J., Gupta S.
P16-4 Do the millions of possible proving pictures correspond, with full similarity, to true homeopathic remedies? Othonos A.
P17-1 Cuban Communitarian project of clinics and pharmacy conservation of homeopathys medicines in hidroalcoholicsolutions. An experiment from the Lopez Lopez R.J., Riveron Garrote M., de Toledo Cesar A., Guajardo Bernal G.H.


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