Professor Dr. med. Jürgen Pannek


born on 22.04.1963 in Essen; Germany


Medical Education
1982 -1988 Medical School, Ruhr‑Universität Bochum
1992 doctoreal thesis

Medical Career

 Resident in training
1988 – 1995 Departments of Urology of Ruhr‑Universität Bochum, Marienhospital Herne, and Universität ‑Gesamthochschule‑ Essen
1995 Board certification as a Urologist
1996 – 1997 Research fellow at the James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute, Department of Urology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, USA
1997 – 2003 Staff member (Oberarzt), Department of Urology of the Ruhr‑Universität Bochum, Marienhospital Herne
1999 Professoral thesis (Venia Legendi) in Urology, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
2003 -.2007 Head of the Department of Neuro-Urology, Marienhospital Herne
18.12. 2004 Board qualification: specialised urologic surgery
2005 – 2011 Professor of Urology, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
2005 – 2006 Qualification as Certified Health Care Manager, University of Applied Science, Bochum
since 01.04.2007 Head of the Department of Neuro-Urology, Swiss Paraplegic Centre, Nottwil, Switzerland
since 01.12.2011 Professor of Urology, Universität Bern


additional qualifications
2004 board certification specialised urologic surgery
2006 diploma as a  “Certified Health Care Manager”, Universität Bochum
2005 – 2006 certification psychosomatic basic care
2014 board certification Neuro-Urology


Scientific Awards
1998 and 2004 Paul-Mellin-Award of the Nordrhine-Westfalian Society of Urology
1998 Neuro-Urology-award of the University of Heidelberg
2000 Faculty Award of the Faculty of Medicine, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
2002 Wolfgang Mauermayer Award of the German Urologic Society












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