Frans Vermeulen (USA)/Dr. Linda Johnston (USA): Precision in prescribing

As homeopaths, we are always seeking to better our prescribing skills and to become more precise and effective. With this aim, we are presenting this seminar, illustrating how to utilize our materia medica to a better advantage, being able to translate the language of the patient into the language of our written sources, which in turn, rely on the language of the remedy source. These skills are especially important in the modern methods of understanding remedies in kingdoms and family groupings.

A case and one specific plant family from the materia medica will be presented, analyzed and discussed, supplemented with information from our materia medica as well as many other sources, including botany, phytochemistry and therapeutic uses. This comprehensive survey of both the patient and the prescribed remedy will serve as a model or template to enhance one’s ability to explore this perspective, thereby, understanding other patients and other groupings or families.

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