Dr. Dario Spinedi (Switzerland): The homeopathic treatment of palliative-oncological emergencies as basis for the cooperation in allopathic hospitals

For 20 years 11 doctors have been working at the homeopathic Clinica Santa Croce in Switzerland, treating mainly cancer patients. My contribution will demonstrate observing some clinical cases, how the homeopathic approach can be a great help in treating very difficult cases and during the palliation.
We consider acute cases of mental or physical acute suffering:

  • anguish, pains in spite of pain killer, vomiting, avoiding the amputation in young people, intolerance of chemo- or radiotherapy
  • palliation in dying people

It would be a great help for many patients, if in every allopathic hospital, a doctor specialized in homeopathic oncology could collaborate with an oncologist. The quality of life (see our study of M. Rostock et al. (1)) and the prognosis (see study of M. Frass (2)) would clearly ameliorate. All cases were diagnosed in allopathic oncologic hospitals.

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