Dr. André Saine (Canada): 1. Case management and clinical outcome from the perspective of evidence-based medicine of the homeopathic treatment of patients with pneumonia 2. A brief overview of the extraordinary success of homeopathy in epidemics

Case management and clinical outcomes from the perspective of evidence-based medicine for homeopathic treatment of patients with pneumonia

The outcome of homeopathic treatment of patients with pneumonia including all types of severity is compared with that of conventional medicine before and after the introduction of modern pharmacotherapy and nursing care. The homeopathic treatment of patients with pneumonia is predictably successful when the treatment is based on the totality of the acute and chronic symptom pictures of the patient, the use of an optimal posology and proper case management. Adjunctive natural approaches, as recommended by Hahnemann, can also be used in conjunction with genuine homeopathy to enhance the healing process and speed up the full recovery of the patient.

A brief overview of the extraordinary success of homeopathy in epidemics

An extensive review of the literature dealing on the results obtained by homeopathy during epidemics has revealed important findings about the efficacy of homeopathic treatment. The main findings of this research are:

  • With more than 25,000 volumes, the homeopathic literature is vast and rich in reports about results obtained by homeopathy during epidemics. The speaker has uncovered over 7,000 references addressing this subject.
  • Results obtained by homeopathy during epidemics reveal a very important and clear constancy: a very low mortality rate. This constancy remains, regardless of the physician, time, place or type of epidemical disease, including diseases carrying a very high mortality rate, such as cholera, smallpox, diphtheria, typhoid fever, yellow fever and pneumonia.
  • Interestingly, this low mortality rate is always superior to the results obtained not only by allopathy practiced at that particular time but, as a rule, by allopathy of today, despite benefiting from modern nursing and hygienic care.
  • Even the lesser-trained homeopaths obtained, as a rule, better results than the highest authorities of the allopathic school. However, the most consistent, predictable and impressive results were obtained by the ones who practiced genuine homeopathy whom are known as Hahnemannians.
  • Homeopathic remedies have been successfully used to protect large segments of the population from upcoming infectious diseases. Homeopathic prophylaxis is safe and effective combining inexpensive costs.
  • The results obtained by homeopathy during epidemics cannot be explained by the placebo effect.

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