Dra. Msc. Mayra Riverón Garrote


Level of education:         University

1987       MD
1991       Academic average 93          –              Specialist I degree MGI:
2004                                                       –              Specialist II degree in General Medicine
2008      Traditional Medicine             –             Specialist II degree and Natural.
1998      Scientific -Master degree in Traditional and Natural Medicine
1995      Specialty in Homeopathy,    –              Homeopathic Institute. Francois Lamasson. Brazil


Received postgraduate courses. 77

Membership in Scientific Societies

  • Cuban Society of Bioenergetics and Naturalistic. Homeopathy section (Secretary 1999-2001 Section president 2002-2006)
  • Homeopathic Medical League International, 1994. Assistant Vice President (1994-1997). Vice President of the International Homeopathic Medical League for Cuba (PN-LMHI) 1998 2016
  • Cuban Society of Family Medicine. Member numerical September 1994
  • Honorary Member of the Ecuadorian Homeopathic Society. 2002

Participation in Scientific Events: 77

Taught                             Courses 24

Language                         Instrumental English

Papers presented.       73

Title                                   Teaching Assistant Professor of General Medicine Integral.2008

Published Works.

  • 27 articles in magazines: Cuba, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela and in the Amate 1 book publisher. Mexico 2004.
  • Completed Research. Bronchial asthma management in children. 1996-2013. Homeopathy characterization of Rhopalurus junceus 2012.
  • Ongoing investigations: Symptoms of Cuban blue scorpion sting Rhopalurus junceus. pathogenesis

Tutoring thesis 13. Termination of Especialidad.14

Courts. 14 courts

University Polyclinic Dr. Manuel Fajardo Rivero
238 No. 504, Beach

Email: mriveron@infomed.sld.cu


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